The weekend is approaching – yay!! But if you find yourself without an itinerary and looking for something to do, we’ve compiled a short list of outdoor activities to fill your free time this weekend. And the best part is many of these could all be combined in to 1 epic day spent outside!

  1. Go camping. Ohio is home to many campgrounds and public parks that provide a fun and safe location for a night out under the stars. Be sure to check your local listings for accurate information as most places have designated locations and times for camping overnight.
    campfire with friends
  2. Discover a hiking trail. Although it may not seem like it if you’re a city dweller, Ohio is home to many parks and nature trails – and Cleveland is no exception! With many state parks and nature reservations within just a short drive, why not head outside, get some sunlight, and enjoy the scenery that these trails have to offer?
    trail in the Cleveland Metroparks
  3. Exercise. This one may seem obvious, but there are a number of outdoor activities that can double as your daily dose of exercise. Or, if the weather isn’t cooperative, stop in to the Rec Center for class to get your blood pumping and your workout done!
    biking outside
  4. Go fishing. If a more leisurely pace is what you want, there are plenty of local lakes and rivers to relax and do some fishing. Rules and regulations vary by location, so just be sure to look up the guidelines before you head out. 
    man fly fishing in river
  5. Unplug. In whatever activity you choose, try to set aside that time to unplug for the day – or even the entire weekend – and focus on enjoying the activity at hand. A “digital detox” can be mentally and emotionally beneficial for any length of time, and can go a long way in rejuvenating your state of mind. And…it can be done anywhere!
    woman relaxing in hammock by lake

Use this short list to kick-start for your weekend plans, but don’t forget all of the festivals, parks, and classes happening in the Cleveland area – there are tons of ways to fill your schedule! Find an exciting event? Let us know: @CleStateRec on Twitter or Instagram.